
  • Bones Temporada 1 Completa
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 29. 13:45
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    What Now these just came off the truck, but he put them all in front. I wanted to put some porsches up here. Michelle russo. I'm all done really both lots this is bullshit.

    I thought you're gonna teach me karate I'm just doing all your city chores. It think you're enjoying this a little too much God, I love this sport, show me watch the windows hike hike, joey wax on wax off hey thanks Whoa She may Fighting positions Stabilize your base hog, keep your balance forward. Tissue in the strike. Yes, then say hi Did you just flinch virgin Holy shit we got a room full of fletcher's yeah that was not a question raise your hand.

    If you never been to punch in the face Put your hands that all your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your nose or you'll lose a tooth. This concussion nonsense. So there's only one solution and that is before you leave this dojo each and every one of you is gonna take a punch very hard to face, miss Robinson line them up and flinch. This group, yes, since day 150 bucks for nun chucks or rip Hey since I need to ask you something first Aids under the counter we got a bleeder no well, I mean yeah. We do there's a lot of blood, but this is about something else. What is it oh. There's, a girl at school.

    Yeah and she's Super smart funny and cool hot. Yes, she's hot Super hot nice. I think you really like her. She likes karate and I'm ina I wanna ask but I just don't know I don't know what you think about she's hot and all those other things oh, yeah. What, if she says, no never accept defeat the is there is no no pretty sure that means no yeah. I think I'm getting physical No, but if you just ask around your cobra kai, all the babies born today to cover ky right oh entering this tournament.

    I don't think we're ready. Oh oh, he's okay okay, just to Yo yo yo job kid, what's up man shirt yeah man looks like he's taking that job thing real, serious. I thought you just wanted to piss off your bad. I am puts him okay cool.

    We got an idea. We wanna run back I'm on lunch break and we're gonna talk about today about tonight. Oh yeah plan the rue sauce luxury motors Talking about that, we can't steal a car good relax. I'm gonna steal the car auto parts, like bringing stereos shipping out of chrome and shit I'd own best. Do you don't have to do anything just give us a security code within ourselves. In yeah but I don't have the quote when I'm the new guy I don't even have a key to the bathroom I'm sure you can think of something else.

    If you always do, unless he doesn't want Oh, then, we have a bigger problem. What we did that bitch ass kid over inventory. Yeah that was Hey hey hey I didn't realize this was your locker yup that's me.

    Anyways uh glad I ran into you. Um I've been thinking about you a lot lately and I'm not a lot of life just the normal amount that someone would think about someone else. You okay yeah um.

    Do you wanna go out on a date with me oh, yeah um. I think that's pretty sweet And I would like to you with everything that happened with color I'm kinda taking a break from dating right now and I get it, but I'll see you in class yeah okay see you in class, never accept defeat. What if it's not a date. What, if it's just two people hanging out at the same place, having fun separately but together sounds like a date really, it was it wouldn't be a day It's not a date then I guess it sounds like it. Could be fun.

    What about tonight pretty and great yeah totally okay I'm like uh okay, then I'll pick you up okay yeah You know we have dozens of beautiful brand new cars right over there. That you're welcome to take photos up it's for the insurance adjuster, just figured. Instead of waiting for it to come. All the way out here from torrance oh send you the photos and get to work sooner. Every time to make you lose both Yeah is it too late to register my daughter for the all Valley tournament shirts cobra kai colbert, like the bad ass snake and need somewhere romantic, but not too romantic. You can take it to get tattoos.

    What I'd know guy just hook me up with this bad boy oh okay, that is bad ass right 14 hours in the chair wait are your parents okay with that they have no idea. It definitely gonna have to wear t-shirt until College, probably longer. Please don't tell Uh any other suggestions don't look at me say man. I used to be friends we're, not anymore okay but I need your help fine um. I know that she likes chocolates and a strong economy. I work with band. What do you talking about no, you don't band me I'll band.

    You, since the what's going on there's, a lifetime ban from entering the tournament. What how is that fair. It's not It there's nothing. I can do about what happened to uh never accept.

    Defeat there's no, no, that was girl advice. This is different.

    This is the real world. There are rules since, when do you care about the rules we don't take no for an answer. You said that you gotta fight this. You know what right. I'm gonna go down there beat there asses no no, no that's not what I mean I'm I'm saying maybe there's uh, a more delicate approach sensei the way that this is not delegate Cobras are not delicate. Yes, yes, sorry, I forgot delegate I'm just saying.

    Maybe there's a smarter way to fight back Hey dad this is robbie and can even help with those filters. Yeah he's in the back he's helped me turn the bone size of getting in touch. Your precious bonds eyes like third base for you, babe he's, a good kid he's just to rough go of it and I thought like to teach them a few things you know just trying to lure him into opening zone bones in treat store you know that's not on no, no mister miyagi little trees with a solid business plan. We just ran into some bad luck okay never again never again Just How's it going I'm sorry I suck at this I'd own know what I'm doing. I don't get it don't worry I'd. I didn't get it either at first, mister me again to teach me. Mr miyagi, do touch your comment right.

    It was a pretty special dude. He taught me alot and what you gotta do is close. Your eyes and everything out of your head the only thing you can see is the tree Think only the tree then you visualize what you want, that treat to look like and you make it happen.

    It's it there you go so this is obviously some type of metaphor trees like my feelings or something well, you are the tree robbie. You got strong roots You know who you are right so now, all you gotta do is visualize what you want your future to look like and then you make it happen Hey sensei come in You nervous for your meeting I'm not nervous I'm pissed off okay, but you have to be nice. These people so if you get pissed off what you gonna do, uh usually just punch the guy that's not gonna work so how about this. How about when someone makes you angry you, you make a fist like you're gonna punch them, but don't punch them hold it in yeah you could try little briefcase what's inside out in the desert. It's a nice touch thanks. What about you. You nervous for your date yeah uh Little alot there's, nothing to be nervous about right just relax, be cool when the time is right, you make your move move move.

    I don't have to move with my move, come on man. You gotta kiss the girl. I mean yeah I'd like to, but I don't technically have to write no that's true. You could just learn how to braid her hair talk about all the other guys who have the balls to kiss on the first date shit Europe cobra kai strike first strike hard it's not just for kids for every See alright where you taking this trip to anyone, the observatory, little picnic on the lawn chocolate tasting three ways and if the skies clear, then we'll look at the stars, you will be part of that made any sense at all is three -way little be fun. Alright look if you wanna impress this chick, you gotta take it away.

    Is to take all my babies back in the day. What is Alright, doing alright how do you want to come to golf and stuff oh I mean we can go somewhere else if you don't wanna be here no, I didn't love this place really totally my daddy's we're here. All the time when I was a kid. So you guys want to be so much fun okay man that nothing you can't do and photo staring back at you Why did you omit God oh my God, oh alright. This is alot let's see you can get 15 necklaces and eraser or 37 eyewitness lots of interest you, fucking looking here Yeah ready, okay, where we going bring this to a quarter, we have a proposal on the table to change the color of the mats for the under eighteen tournaments.

    We've had the classic Red match with the White fist logo for over 30 years. It's tradition you know what else is a tradition building.

    We need to shake things up. I say we go blue mats golf it's called golden office. This is the perfect time to bring it up and I understand that uh excuse me, sir, if you're looking for the meeting that indestructible nine o'clock no I'm Lawrence here for the tournament Committee meeting are you because of what happened at last year's tournament.

    If so, we can assure you we've hired an entirely new food vendor. We have no way of knowing those corn dogs and turned no I'm sorry about your corn dogs that's. I'm here I'm here, because my husband and from the under eighteen tournament and I wanna see about the people I'm confused we've been someone I know we could ban anyone in Saturday. I just bear with the service, probably just a mistake. What's the name of your dojo colbert hi Daniel, you made it You know I never miss the annual meeting.

    Bones Temporada 1 Completa En Espanol

    They run and boy am I glad I didn't miss this one. Oh, two just in time. Mr lawrence here says dojo with band from the tournament Oh, I'm sure he does What the hell is yet. I'm right here, hey always thinking of me, like that bitches good man, what's up bro, got cold yeah.

    I told you my boy what do you ain't no man. Let's do it what's going it can't. What remember to go I'll just get those two confused. Robby robby come on man don't do this just open the goddamn door.

    It's not gonna happen What is your boy teach you, some karate or something Oh Oh, dude, I didn't want to grow Oh No where to hide You better watch your ass Okay, you ready ready condo with the fade away alright oh you're the Lakers fans, yeah, my season tickets it's always, a little like right after work. You know my dad. He is the most important business and stuff anyway. We only go like sometimes when you know sometimes I use my safety for businesses to entertaining clients, sealing the deal it's all really expensive for what all kind of this is.

    He one oh, textiles know some exports, little imports but my real passion lies in the community The program that sounds so interesting of it is and what we do is we take under privilege kids. You can only go to some Lakers games and we try to see if we can get to see more wow such a blast fitness nap Well, do you wanna go to the game with me sometime. Yeah actually you know it depend on how close to half we're talking because my seats are pretty close.

    Bones Temporada 1 Completa Parodia

    Oh my God, you have a seating chart. If you haven't seen for There for we, the all Valley Committee of 19 eighty five issue a lifetime ban on cobra kai for the unethical and UN sportsmanlike conduct shown by terry silver John crease and their student Mike Park. Well, there you have it. We sorry we wasted your time. Mr lawrence, but, of lifetime ban is a lifetime income. Well hold on it's here with the man has to say, Mr loren.

    What is your relationship to this terry silver and I have no idea who that, even is just a small business owner trying to make Living place it's ask him about John crease John increases dead very sorry for your loss and give me a break Daniel show a little respect. Respect are you kidding me so you don't know. The history here John crease and Co recliner, where the embodiment of everything is turning stance against this. Guy johnny lawrence. He was a star people the worst of them all is honoring the entire sport already seeing improvement power Look I'm a complicated share of problems in the eighty s by since they didn't always play by the rules.

    Why I left but my cobra kai is different. It's a place where kids can come and feel like they belong where they won't get picked on just cuz they're bunch of losers and because of the unique I've watched first hand, as my students have gotten stronger gain confidence, learn how to stand up for them Self Co because making a difference in these kids lives and honestly That doesn't sound at all, like the old cobra kai it's bad ass name for don't go by the way I think I speak for all of us when I say the community could use more men like you, Mr lawrence. Thank you man. This is horse shit. This guy is the biggest bully in my high school. He hasn't changed at all. I could prove it I'm sorry, Mr lawrence I'd own know you, but I do know Daniel russo and if he says no I'm with him.

    Thank you, George seems the only The solution is to put this to a vote this florence, you mind waiting outside while we can start balance. Thank you all for your careful consideration. Yeah just wait outside right. This sob story.

    I mean you were not there so send your octopus would like to know if you're better at karate than you were a mini golf okay. I didn't realize the octopus Hispanic now, but why don't you tell us in your octopus that um my son says I'm the best in this class Really this is class no, you don't believe me, no say that stand up okay alright here's. What we're gonna do get into like a general fighting position, just yeah okay alright. You know I'm out here then you want there yeah go and kinda position. What up it's your hands on my hips. No, no I'm correcting your stands look.

    This move is really hard so if you don't get it on the first time, I don't feel back oh Oh, shit and then it was amazing. What do you sensei Sam You know this maybe the best date. I've ever been on really cuz technically. This isn't, it right And that was not a kiss Congratulations johnny Who's the man I'm the man oh shit.

    You, the man to tell me you're the man of the man yes, the dates across the Committee meeting the corporate ties in hell. Yeah we're good guys back baby alright. How many did you wanna make. It no, no it's called for realtor Oh good stuff for real man Oh, I drink it up here in your balls is that a good thing that's a good thing. Okay, it's over guy never accept defeat If you wanna win, the all Valley under eighteen karate tournament, you gotta give me better than your best go is the only chance.

    Bones temporada 1 completa descargar

    This thing come on hey give me a hug give on those cold winter. Jerks nothing but a bunch of bullies. Can't all be bullies right promise when you stay away from the kids or Associated with it.

    I was looking for the solution so he's been training me and I should thank you, tried broken me into it. I know it's hard growing up without a dad. Mr russo No, I need to tell you something so funny. Oh nothing just a funny picture of my girlfriend person you're dating a russo.

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